Prevent tooth decay and gum disease by visiting your dentist Navan

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Visiting the dentist Navan on a regular basis is very important for healthy teeth and gums, and avoiding the dentist Navan can result in a range of dental health complications. Avoiding the dentist Navan can affect the appearance of your smile and it can result in the development of tooth decay and gum disease. Tooth decay and gum disease can cause irreversible damage and can often result in missing teeth. It is very important that tooth decay and gum disease are detected early on and treated quickly before they can have a lasting impact on your teeth. Both of these issues can be asymptomatic to begin with which means unless your dentist examines your teeth and gums you may not even notice that you are affected. By the time you notice, the damage may be significant and the treatment may be a lot more extensive. Not only will this mean spending longer time in the dentist’s chair but it can be a lot more costly for you as well.

What is tooth decay?

Poor dental hygiene and avoiding the dentist is the main cause of tooth decay. Alongside this, a poor diet, especially one high in sugar and starch, can worsen the symptoms. Also, some medical conditions may increase your susceptibility to developing tooth decay. Bacteria in your mouth can secrete acids that damage the enamel on the surface of the teeth. The acid creates small holes in the teeth known as cavities and if this is not detected early then the hole can become deeper until it reaches the dentin and eventually the dental pulp causing pain, sensitivity, infection and eventually tooth loss. If you visit the dentist on a regular basis then any signs of cavities will be detected very early on. Your dentist will encourage you to look after your teeth more carefully and they can prescribe fluoride treatments such as an effective mouthwash or a varnish to cover the surface of your teeth and reverse the signs of early tooth decay. If the hole is slightly larger then you may need to have a filling, and if the hole has reached the dental pulp then you may need a root canal treatment. As mentioned, the earlier the cavity is detected the easier the treatment and the fewer complications you have to face in the future. 

What is gum disease?

Gum disease also occurs when bacteria builds up in the mouth. The bacteria create a sticky layer on the surface of your teeth. This sticky layer consists of good bacteria and harmful bacteria. If you do not brush your teeth effectively then the bad bacteria can irritate and harm your gums. This results in redness, swelling, pain and bleeding gums. Like tooth decay, if gum disease is left untreated then eventually it can result in missing teeth. If detected early on then your dentist will show you how to look after your teeth more effectively and this can help treat the infection. They may also ask you to visit your hygienist for a professional scale and polish to remove any excess plaque and tartar from the teeth. If the disease has progressed then you may need scaling and root planing which is a method of deep cleaning that is carried out under local anaesthetic to remove plaque and tartar from above and below your gums. You may need antibiotics and, unfortunately, sometimes you may require gum surgery or tooth extraction.  This shows how important it is that you continue to visit your dentist on a regular basis to prevent complications such as tooth decay and gum disease so that you can enjoy good dental health and smile happily and confidently throughout your life.

Missing teeth

Missing teeth not only affect the appearance of your smile, but they also affect your overall appearance. They cause a huge range of dental complications and they often result in more missing teeth, very quickly. If you continue to avoid the dentist you can lose your teeth at an early age and this can have a  significant impact on your overall quality of life. Book an appointment for you and your family today at your dental practice and make sure that you have clean, strong teeth and healthy gums. Visiting the dentist once every six months should be sufficient. However, at certain stages of your life, you may need to visit the dentist more often also even if you do have healthy teeth and gums it is important that you still visit at least once every six months to make sure that your teeth remain free of decay and disease. 

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